New to care funding?

Life is changing in the UK – life expectancy is increasing, and with this brings an increased need for care. However, the combination of a reduction in community and state support places a greater expectation on individuals to provide for themselves in later life. This results in an increased financial responsibility to meet the cost of their own future care and increases the worry of running out of money in later life.

Two-thirds (63%) of individuals say they would seek financial advice in the event that they faced substantial care costs either for themselves or for a loved one.* Just Retirement believes that this advice is vital in helping individuals understand all of their options and in helping to avoid running out of money in the future.

If you would like to develop your skills around advising on care funding, or have a specific client who would benefit from care funding advice, our expert team can help:

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☎: 01737 233 065

*YouGov study commissioned by Just Retirement, research carried out among ~2,000 adults in December 2013