Coronavirus support

We know that during these unprecedented times, there may be a great deal of anxiety among clients. We’d therefore like to reassure them, and you, that we’re still able to meet their needs, and are now operating in a coronavirus-secure way while ensuring our business operations run as efficiently as ever.

The following pages explain how we’ve adapted our approach to working and the changes we’ve made to help clients as much as possible during this time.

Coronavirus update

Your primary concern will, rightfully, be the health of your colleagues and clients. But that’s not to say everything else gets forgotten. You’ll still have questions regarding finances, and to help with this, we’re regularly updating our Coronavirus Update page and adapting to the changing government advice. We’ve also put together the answers to some FAQs, both for new and existing clients.

Click here to find out more.

Changes to lending criteria and maximum LTVs

As a result of the ever-changing national and local restrictions, we’ve updated our valuation and lending criteria. Where possible, physical valuations should take place in all areas of the UK, but if not then desktop valuations may be possible. See our series of documents, which will be able to help you before organising valuations.

Click here to find out more.

Care Funding – what we’re doing to help

In order to minimise the additional strain the pandemic is putting on care providers, we’ve decided to temporarily modify a few processes surrounding our Care Funding plans. We’ve made changes to Care plan quotations, Money Back Guarantee and the need to send hard copies of documents, among plenty of others. 

Click here to find out more.