Underwritten Quotes
In order to obtain a fully underwritten quote, your client will need to complete a Care Fees Plan Questionnaire.
This form can be used to obtain a Care Plan quote from all the providers in the market, so you don’t have to fill out a separate form for each company.
The completed form should be sent to MorganAsh, who will arrange for medical reports to be obtained and sent to each provider you would like a quote from. You can do this by uploading the form to the MorganAsh portal at https://CFP.morganash.com, or by e-mailing it to uwadmin@morganash.com.
Once we have received the medical reports, we will underwrite the case and send the quotes directly to you.
Our Care Plan quotes are guaranteed for 30 days to allow time for you to have conversations with your clients and confirm whether they wish to proceed.
If you require a re-quote, we will not normally need to request any further medical information for 6 months.