Family Income Benefit

Our Family Income Benefit offers financial peace of mind by allowing your client to make provisions for their family in the event of death. The Family Income Benefit is a long term assurance policy which will pay out a regular tax-free income, upon your client's death, for the remainder of the policy term. Alternatively, your client's dependants have the option of converting the income payments to a single lump sum.

Please note, for regular premium policies, cover will cease if your client stops paying the premiums.

Terminal Illness Option

Our Family Income Benefit policy comes with the additional option to include Terminal Illness Cover. This will pay out a guaranteed tax-free lump sum to the value of the sum assured if your client is diagnosed with a medical condition which is expected to cause death within 12 months where the diagnosis is agreed by our Chief Medical Officer.

For term policies, the diagnosis must be made whilst there are more than 18 months before the policy expiration date for the claim to be valid.

Please note, the Terminal Illness Option incurs an additional 1% charge.